Source code for diskinfo.partition

#    Module `partition`: implements `Partition` class.
#    Peter Sulyok (C) 2022-2024.
import os.path
import subprocess
import re
from typing import List, Tuple
from diskinfo.utils import _read_udev_property, _read_udev_path, size_in_hrf

[docs] class Partition: """This class is the implementation of a partition entry. It is created by the :meth:`~diskinfo.Disk.get_partition_list()` method. All partition attributes are collected at class creation time and these attributes can be accessed through get functions of the class later. .. note:: 1. The class creation and the get functions will not generate disk operations and will not change the power state of the disk. 2. The class uses the `df` command to find the mounting point and available space of a file system. Args: name (str): name of the partition (e.g. `sda1`) dev_id (str): device id of the partition (e.g. `8:1`) Raises: ValueError: in case of invalid input parameters FileNotFoundError: if the `df` command cannot be executed Example: This example shows the basic use of the class:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name()) ... nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3 nvme0n1p4 nvme0n1p5 nvme0n1p6 """ # Partition attributes. __name: str # Partition name (e.g. sda1) __path: str # Partition path (e.g. /dev/sda1) __byid_path: List[str] # Partition by-byid path elements, located in /dev/disk/by-byid/ folder __bypath_path: str # Partition by-path path located in /dev/disk/by-path/ folder __bypartuuid_path: str # Partition by-partuuid path located in /dev/disk/by-partuuid/ folder __bypartlabel_path: str # Partition by-partlabel path located in /dev/disk/by-partlabel/ folder __bylabel_path: str # Partition by-label path located in /dev/disk/by-label/ folder __byuuid_path: str # Partition by-uuid path located in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ folder __part_dev_id: str # Partition device id (e.g. 8:1) __part_scheme: str # Partition scheme (e.g. gpt) __part_label: str # Partition label __part_uuid: str # Partition uuid __part_type: str # Partition type uuid __part_number: int # Partition number __part_offset: int # Partition first sector __part_size: int # Partition size, in sectors __fs_label: str # File system label __fs_uuid: str # File system UUID __fs_type: str # File system type __fs_version: str # File system version __fs_usage: str # File system usage __fs_free_size: int # File system free/available 512-bytes blocks __fs_mounting_point: str # File system mounting folder def __init__(self, name: str, dev_id: str) -> None: self.__name = name self.__path = "/dev/" + name if not os.path.exists(self.__path): raise ValueError(f"Partition path ({self.__path}) does not exist.") self.__part_dev_id = dev_id path = "/run/udev/data/b" + dev_id if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError(f"Partition udev data file ({path}) does not exist.") # by-id path elements self.__byid_path = _read_udev_path(path, 0) # by-path path self.__bypath_path = "" path_list = _read_udev_path(path, 1) if path_list: self.__bypath_path = path_list[0] # by-partuuid path self.__bypartuuid_path = "" path_list = _read_udev_path(path, 2) if path_list: self.__bypartuuid_path = path_list[0] # by-partlabel path self.__bypartlabel_path = "" path_list = _read_udev_path(path, 3) if path_list: self.__bypartlabel_path = path_list[0] # by-label path self.__bylabel_path = "" path_list = _read_udev_path(path, 4) if path_list: self.__bylabel_path = path_list[0] # by-uuid path self.__byuuid_path = "" path_list = _read_udev_path(path, 5) if path_list: self.__byuuid_path = path_list[0] # other udev properties self.__part_scheme = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_SCHEME=") self.__part_label = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_NAME=") self.__part_uuid = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_UUID=") self.__part_type = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_TYPE=") self.__part_number = 0 value = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER=") if value: self.__part_number = int(value) self.__part_offset = -1 value = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_OFFSET=") if value: self.__part_offset = int(value) self.__part_size = 0 value = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_PART_ENTRY_SIZE=") if value: self.__part_size = int(value) value = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_LABEL_ENC=") if value: self.__fs_label = value else: self.__fs_label = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_LABEL=") value = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_UUID_ENC=") if value: self.__fs_uuid = value else: self.__fs_uuid = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_UUID=") self.__fs_type = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_TYPE=") self.__fs_version = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_VERSION=") self.__fs_usage = _read_udev_property(path, "ID_FS_USAGE=") self.__fs_mounting_point = "" self.__fs_free_size = 0 # Execute `df` command. try: result =["df", "--block-size", "512", "--output=source,avail,target"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, text=True) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError) as e: raise e # Parse output: find free size and mounting point output_lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in output_lines: items = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", line).split(maxsplit=2) if items[0] == self.__path: self.__fs_free_size = int(items[1]) self.__fs_mounting_point = items[2] break
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the partition (e.g. `sda1` or `nvme0n1p1`). Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name()) ... nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3 nvme0n1p4 nvme0n1p5 nvme0n1p6 """ return self.__name
[docs] def get_path(self) -> str: """Returns the path of the partition (e.g. `/dev/sda1` or `/dev/nvme0n1p1`). .. note:: This is not a persistent path! Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_path()) ... /dev/nvme0n1p1 /dev/nvme0n1p2 /dev/nvme0n1p3 /dev/nvme0n1p4 /dev/nvme0n1p5 /dev/nvme0n1p6 """ return self.__path
[docs] def get_byid_path(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the `by-id` persistent path of the partition. The result could be on or more path elements. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_byid_path()) ... nvme0n1p1 - ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-WDS100T1X0E-00AFY0_2140GF374501-part1', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf540001001b555a49bfc681-part1'] nvme0n1p2 - ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-WDS100T1X0E-00AFY0_2140GF374501-part2', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf540001001b555a49bfc681-part2'] nvme0n1p3 - ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf540001001b555a49bfc681-part3', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-WDS100T1X0E-00AFY0_2140GF374501-part3'] nvme0n1p4 - ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-WDS100T1X0E-00AFY0_2140GF374501-part4', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf540001001b555a49bfc681-part4'] nvme0n1p5 - ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-WDS100T1X0E-00AFY0_2140GF374501-part5', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf540001001b555a49bfc681-part5'] nvme0n1p6 - ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-WDS100T1X0E-00AFY0_2140GF374501-part6', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf540001001b555a49bfc681-part6'] """ return self.__byid_path
[docs] def get_bypath_path(self) -> str: """Returns the `by-path` persistent path of the partition (see sample value in the example). Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_bypath_path()) ... nvme0n1p1 - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-nvme-1-part1 nvme0n1p2 - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-nvme-1-part2 nvme0n1p3 - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-nvme-1-part3 nvme0n1p4 - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-nvme-1-part4 nvme0n1p5 - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-nvme-1-part5 nvme0n1p6 - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-nvme-1-part6 """ return self.__bypath_path
[docs] def get_bypartuuid_path(self) -> str: """Returns the `by-partuuid` persistent path of the partition (see sample values in the example). .. note:: This is a GTP partition specific value. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_bypartuuid_path()) ... nvme0n1p1 - /dev/disk/by-partuuid/acb8374d-fb60-4cb0-8ac4-273417c6f847 nvme0n1p2 - /dev/disk/by-partuuid/59417232-6e42-4c03-b258-2d20ddb0486a nvme0n1p3 - /dev/disk/by-partuuid/ec51c644-3ad7-44a5-9750-fc577a3d1ccf nvme0n1p4 - /dev/disk/by-partuuid/9192cde2-b90d-4fd1-99ed-a3584f66c87c nvme0n1p5 - /dev/disk/by-partuuid/6fd87857-265c-489c-8401-a47944c940f2 nvme0n1p6 - /dev/disk/by-partuuid/d5e53353-1943-4827-9b46-63459432f51c """ return self.__bypartuuid_path
[docs] def get_bypartlabel_path(self) -> str: """Returns the `by-partlabel` persistent path of the partition (see sample value in the example). The result could be empty if the partition does not have a label. .. note:: This is a GTP partition specific value. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_bypartlabel_path()) ... nvme0n1p1 - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/EFI system partition nvme0n1p2 - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/Microsoft reserved partition nvme0n1p3 - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/Basic data partition nvme0n1p4 - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/Basic data partition nvme0n1p5 - nvme0n1p6 - """ return self.__bypartlabel_path
[docs] def get_bylabel_path(self) -> str: """Returns the `by-label` persistent path of the partition (see sample value in the example). The result could be empty if the filesystem does not have a label. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_bylabel_path()) ... nvme0n1p1 - /dev/disk/by-label/SYSTEM nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - /dev/disk/by-label/Windows nvme0n1p4 - /dev/disk/by-label/Recovery tools nvme0n1p5 - /dev/disk/by-label/Debian nvme0n1p6 - /dev/disk/by-label/Arch Linux """ return self.__bylabel_path
[docs] def get_byuuid_path(self) -> str: """Returns the `by-uuid` persistent path of the partition (see sample value in the example). The result could be empty if the partition does not have a file system. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_byuuid_path()) ... nvme0n1p1 - /dev/disk/by-uuid/6432-935A nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - /dev/disk/by-uuid/0CA833E3A833CA4A nvme0n1p4 - /dev/disk/by-uuid/784034274033EB10 nvme0n1p5 - /dev/disk/by-uuid/d54d33ea-d892-44d9-ae24-e3c6216d7a32 nvme0n1p6 - /dev/disk/by-uuid/a0b1c6e7-2541-4e89-93eb-898f6d544a1e """ return self.__byuuid_path
[docs] def get_part_device_id(self) -> str: """Returns the device id of the partition in `major:minor` form. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_device_id()) ... nvme0n1p1 - 259:1 nvme0n1p2 - 259:2 nvme0n1p3 - 259:3 nvme0n1p4 - 259:4 nvme0n1p5 - 259:5 nvme0n1p6 - 259:6 """ return self.__part_dev_id
[docs] def get_part_scheme(self) -> str: """Returns the scheme of the partition. The result could be `gtp` or `mbr`. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_scheme()) ... nvme0n1p1 - gpt nvme0n1p2 - gpt nvme0n1p3 - gpt nvme0n1p4 - gpt nvme0n1p5 - gpt nvme0n1p6 - gpt """ return self.__part_scheme
[docs] def get_part_label(self) -> str: """Returns the label of the partition. The result could be empty if the partition does not have a label. .. note:: This is a GTP partition specific value. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_label()) ... nvme0n1p1 - EFI system partition nvme0n1p2 - Microsoft reserved partition nvme0n1p3 - Basic data partition nvme0n1p4 - Basic data partition nvme0n1p5 - nvme0n1p6 - """ return self.__part_label
[docs] def get_part_uuid(self) -> str: """Returns the UUID of the partition. .. note:: This is a GTP partition specific value. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_uuid()) ... nvme0n1p1 - acb8374d-fb60-4cb0-8ac4-273417c6f847 nvme0n1p2 - 59417232-6e42-4c03-b258-2d20ddb0486a nvme0n1p3 - ec51c644-3ad7-44a5-9750-fc577a3d1ccf nvme0n1p4 - 9192cde2-b90d-4fd1-99ed-a3584f66c87c nvme0n1p5 - 6fd87857-265c-489c-8401-a47944c940f2 nvme0n1p6 - d5e53353-1943-4827-9b46-63459432f51c """ return self.__part_uuid
[docs] def get_part_type(self) -> str: """Returns the UUID of the partition type. See available GTP partition types listed on `wikipedia <>`_. .. note:: This is a GTP partition specific value. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_type()) ... nvme0n1p1 - c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b nvme0n1p2 - e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae nvme0n1p3 - ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 nvme0n1p4 - de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac nvme0n1p5 - 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 nvme0n1p6 - 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 """ return self.__part_type
[docs] def get_part_number(self) -> int: """Returns the number of the partition. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_number()) ... nvme0n1p1 - 1 nvme0n1p2 - 2 nvme0n1p3 - 3 nvme0n1p4 - 4 nvme0n1p5 - 5 nvme0n1p6 - 6 """ return self.__part_number
[docs] def get_part_offset(self) -> int: """Returns the starting offset of the partition in 512-byte blocks. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_offset()) ... nvme0n1p1 - 2048 nvme0n1p2 - 1050624 nvme0n1p3 - 1312768 nvme0n1p4 - 838125568 nvme0n1p5 - 840173568 nvme0n1p6 - 1035485184 """ return self.__part_offset
[docs] def get_part_size(self) -> int: """Returns the size of the partition in 512-byte blocks. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import * >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_part_size()) ... nvme0n1p1 - 1048576 nvme0n1p2 - 262144 nvme0n1p3 - 836812800 nvme0n1p4 - 2048000 nvme0n1p5 - 195311616 nvme0n1p6 - 209715200 """ return self.__part_size
[docs] def get_part_size_in_hrf(self, units: int = 0) -> Tuple[float, str]: """Returns the size of the partition in human-readable form. Args: units (int): unit system will be used for the calculation and in the result: - 0 metric units (default) - 1 IEC units - 2 legacy units Read more about `units here <>`_. Returns: Tuple[float, str]: size in human-readable form, proper unit Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import * >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... s, u = item.get_part_size_in_hrf() ... print(item.get_name(), "-", "{s:.1f} {u}") ... nvme0n1p1 - 536.9 MB nvme0n1p2 - 134.2 MB nvme0n1p3 - 428.4 GB nvme0n1p4 - 1.0 GB nvme0n1p5 - 100.0 GB nvme0n1p6 - 107.4 GB """ return size_in_hrf(self.__part_size * 512, units)
[docs] def get_fs_label(self) -> str: """Returns the label of the file system. The result could be empty if the file system does not have a label. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_label()) ... nvme0n1p1 - SYSTEM nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - Windows nvme0n1p4 - Recovery tools nvme0n1p5 - Debian nvme0n1p6 - Arch Linux """ return self.__fs_label
[docs] def get_fs_uuid(self) -> str: """Returns the UUID of the file system. The result could be empty if the partition does not contain a file system. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_uuid()) ... nvme0n1p1 - 6432-935A nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - 0CA833E3A833CA4A nvme0n1p4 - 784034274033EB10 nvme0n1p5 - d54d33ea-d892-44d9-ae24-e3c6216d7a32 nvme0n1p6 - a0b1c6e7-2541-4e89-93eb-898f6d544a1e """ return self.__fs_uuid
[docs] def get_fs_type(self) -> str: """Returns the type of the file system. The result could be empty if the partition does not contain a file system. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_type()) ... nvme0n1p1 - vfat nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - ntfs nvme0n1p4 - ntfs nvme0n1p5 - ext4 nvme0n1p6 - ext4 """ return self.__fs_type
[docs] def get_fs_version(self) -> str: """Returns the version of the file system. The result could be empty if the partition does not contain a file system or does not have a version. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_version()) ... nvme0n1p1 - FAT32 nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - nvme0n1p4 - nvme0n1p5 - 1.0 nvme0n1p6 - 1.0 """ return self.__fs_version
[docs] def get_fs_usage(self) -> str: """Returns the usage of the file system. The result could be empty if the partition does not contain a file system. Vlaid values are`filesystem` or `other` for special partitions (e.g. for a swap partition). Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_usage()) ... nvme0n1p1 - filesystem nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - filesystem nvme0n1p4 - filesystem nvme0n1p5 - filesystem nvme0n1p6 - filesystem """ return self.__fs_usage
[docs] def get_fs_free_size(self) -> int: """Returns the free size of the file system in 512-byte blocks. The result could be 0 if the partition does not contain a file system. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_free_size()) ... nvme0n1p1 - 971968 nvme0n1p2 - 0 nvme0n1p3 - 214591944 nvme0n1p4 - 0 nvme0n1p5 - 141095712 nvme0n1p6 - 114470872 """ return self.__fs_free_size
[docs] def get_fs_free_size_in_hrf(self, units: int = 0) -> Tuple[float, str]: """Returns the free size of the file system in human-readable form. The result could be 0 if the partition does not contain a file system. Args: units (int): unit system will be used for the calculation and in the result: - 0 metric units (default) - 1 IEC units - 2 legacy units Read more about `units here <>`_. Returns: Tuple[float, str]: size in human-readable form, proper unit Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... s, u = size_in_hrf(item.get_fs_free_size()*512) ... print(item.get_name(), "-", f"{s:.1f} {u}") ... nvme0n1p1 - 497.6 MB nvme0n1p2 - 0.0 B nvme0n1p3 - 109.9 GB nvme0n1p4 - 0.0 B nvme0n1p5 - 72.2 GB nvme0n1p6 - 58.6 GB """ return size_in_hrf(self.__fs_free_size * 512, units)
[docs] def get_fs_mounting_point(self) -> str: """Returns the mounting point of the file system. The result could be empty if the partition does not contain any file system, or it is not mounted. Example: An example about use of the function:: >>> from diskinfo import Disk >>> disk = Disk("nvme0n1") >>> plist = disk.get_partition_list() >>> for item in plist: ... print(item.get_name(), "-", item.get_fs_mounting_point()) ... nvme0n1p1 - /boot/efi nvme0n1p2 - nvme0n1p3 - /mnt/win11 nvme0n1p4 - nvme0n1p5 - / nvme0n1p6 - /mnt/arch """ return self.__fs_mounting_point
# End